United Arab Emirates

Mandatory parameters - Bank transfer

Mandatory parameterDescriptionFlow type
login32 charsB2C, B2B
pass32 charsB2C, B2B
external_idMax. 100 charsB2C, B2B
countryAEB2C, B2B
beneficiary_nameMax. 50 chars
B2C, B2B
beneficiary_lastnameMax. 50 chars
B2C, B2B
bank_branchSWIFT code (we accept 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters in upper case)B2C, B2B
addressAddress of the beneficiary
Max. 35 chars
B2C, B2B
cityCity of the beneficiary
Max. 35 chars
B2C, B2B
bank_accountIBAN Format. All United Arab Emirates IBANs begin with 'AE' and are exactly 23 characters long. Ex: AE070331234567890123456B2C, B2B
amountMax. 2 decimal numbersB2C, B2B
currencyAED or USDB2C, B2B
bdateBirth date of the beneficiary
Mandatory only for B2C
nationalityNationality of the beneficiary
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
Mandatory only for for B2C
document_typeDocument type of the beneficiary
"ID" - for UAE national id
"PASS" - for Passport
Mandatory only for for B2C
document_idDocument of the beneficiary
See document validations below.
purposeEPBTOB - Business to Business (B2B)B2B

Document validations

DocumentPASSup to 12charactersABCD1234

Example request

    "address":"4 Sheikh Zayed Road", 